JRoy blog

Tuesday, September 13, 2005

the LORD visited Sarah!!

"And the LORD visited Sarah as He had said, and the LORD did for Sarah as He had spoken." (Gen 21:1)

I was intending to read the Word before going to sleep. Continuing from where I left off is this verse. But I could go no further for the LORD has spoken in just this one verse. Never have I seen a verse jump up to me. It spoke on so many level. I am glad that I can share with whoever is reading this verse. Just like Sarah, I want to be visited by GOD (as He had said in the Bible). And just like Sarah, whatever the LORD had spoken to me (in the Bible) I want Him to do it.

LORD, I yield myself to You. Neither by my work or strength will I depend on. But I will wait on You. I will wait for Your visitation and glory to come. May You do for me as You have spoken in Your Word. May Your Holy Spirit lead me always. In Jesus name I pray. Amen.

Thursday, September 01, 2005

Thanks for the update blogger.com.. :P.

Thanks for the update or fixing the bug or whatever it is.. finally i can now know that i had made 63 posts or more instead of just 20 posts like months ago and not going up.. so yah, thanks.. ^.-

MIKE!! my Indonesian Idol!! :P.

Woohoo!! MIKE is the winner of Indonesian Idol 2..

hehehe.. i know i know.. why so late.. but i was wondering lately and was very concerned ever since i heard who the top 3 were.. so i checked the official website only NOW.. oh well.. *mmlk*

anyhow.. anybody in Indo at the moment? anybody coming to Singapore soon? is the first single and album out yet? hehehe.. nitip dong.. please please please.. i'd love to grab his album once it is out hot from the press.. :P.

ps. i should be the judge in Indonesian Idol.. hehehe.. too bad i'm not, so here's my fav quote off the judge, "Mike, cuman satu kata Mike.. BEREEESSS.."