JRoy blog

Thursday, July 29, 2004

pictures - jroy's short vs. long hair

once in a while, have you ever thought of trying out for something different?
initially i planned to shave 'botak' (meaning 'bald') for the month of July after the semester in Curtin Uni ended.. but then i saw Chris (aka. iZ) having his hair trimmed extremely short due to his 'arrangement' with his other frens and it gets me thinking, "man, this is winter.. i dun want my scalp to go freezing by the breeze of winter.." and thus i opted for trying out long hair until its looonnnggg enough then i go bald..

short hair: i think this was taken back in March 04..

long hair: this picture was taken in mid July..

q: which do you prefer for your own hair.. long or short? any interesting stories?

pictures - Oliph's bdae (26 July)

having dinner to celebrate Oliph's bday at a Korean restaurant in Applecross..
back row: jroy, ellis, vika, stef, shien
front row: chris, meli, oliph

the bdae girl, Olivia Yulianti.. turns 15 this year.. wuah.. so young siah..
ps. hair cut by Jean, best fren of Shienny, Oliph's eldest sister

pps. the celebration continues to karaoke session.. video clip was recorded of the gang's misbehaviour.. sorry, no comments about that.. :P.

q: how did you celebrate your bday?

Wednesday, July 28, 2004

devotion - a prayer for Serving God

in my daily devotion as i go through my "Praise and Worship: Study Bible" this morning, i came to this prayer referring to Romans 6:22.. what do you guys get from it?

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love,
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled, as to console,
To be understood, as to understand,
To be loved, as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. Amen.

Saint Francis of Assissi (1182-1226)

hope it blessed someone..

ps. Wednesday nite intercessory prayer is great.. ppl that came were myself, Chris, Edo, Ernest, Katie, Kenneth, Marini, Mia, Philip.. it was encouraging..

q: any personal powerful prayer that you would like to share?

Friday, July 23, 2004

personal - slaves of righteousness

arghh.. this morning my computer got stuck.. and now it is down.. *hiks2*.. terrible day so far.. i just pray that it can be fixed anytime soon.. that would really make my day.. right now i'm using my other compie at home.. Window 98!! oh me gosh..

on other note.. Friday Music Practice has never been this tough.. Marini said "wuah.. i saw you guys were having a very serious talk".. but i guess it would be even tougher for the BigBrother housemates that are left.. Ryan (aka. Frysie) is evicted!! yauzaa.. it's so unpredictable.. that's reality tv for you, i give you a hot tip.. ;).

and on last note.. i'm sorry to disappoint some of you if i did not carry myself and acted as i should.. thanks for frankness and honesty.. we all should.. :D.

And having been set free from sin, you became slaves of righteousness.

- Romans 6:18

personal - thank you Chris

my buddy - Chris (aka. iZ)

huge thanks to Chris (aka. iZ) for helping me customise my bloggie.. i am so excited with the new outlook.. we had a full on day hey.. thanks once again Chris for your help and hopefully i get to put in more stuff here, what with the effort you have put in.. (your sweat and blood will not go to waste.. ;P.)

Wednesday, July 21, 2004

movie - the Patriot

how many of you have watched "the Patriot" featuring Mel Gibson? let me see your hand.. oh my God.. that is one powerful movie.. i just finished watching the DVD that i borrowed from a friend of mine.. and i can honestly say.. "it's one damn powerful movie!!".. (have i said that already?) not just in terms of guns n battle fights but the family man that is portrayed by Mel Gibson is really heartfelt..

i can shyly said that i cry a little at a couple of the scenes.. in particular when the youngest daughter finally yelled out "Papa" before he left for the second time.. if i'm home alone i would have wailed i reckon.. :P. unfortunately mom came in right after the scene is done.. i was lucky to have hidden behind the blanket.. *phew*.. definitely 4 out of 5 stars from me.. may the Lord bless Mel Gibson to bless others through many more great movies..

Thursday, July 15, 2004

welcome to jroy18.blogspot.com

hey ya fellas..
i am finally with the blogspot.com.. huahuahuahauhauah.. watch out!! it is going to be a rough ride.. oritey.. thats all for now.. im actually doing this from Kenneth's house (ps. thanks Neth for the Internet)

ciaoo.. jroy out!!